5-Star Hotel Valkane Project Presented in Pula
The conceptual solution was made by the renowned architectural studio 3LHD, which in its portfolio, among numerous projects such as the Infobip Campus in Zagreb and the Rimac Campus in Sveta Nedelja, which is under construction last week, has a number of hotels of the highest category. like the Grand Park Hotel in Rovinj, successfully realized in Istria. The project of the Valkane Hotel was presented by 3LHD’s author team, in the presence of investor representatives, to the media and tourism, public, economic and other stakeholders for whom this investment is of interest and importance.
The first high-class hotel in the wider Pula area
Hotel Valkane will be the first high-class hotel in the wider Pula area. It will be located inside the former quarry, and its construction will rehabilitate an area that has been neglected since 1965. In the conceptual design, a maximum of two underground and a maximum of seven above-ground floors with a total of 180 rooms are planned. It also includes 183 underground parking spaces that will fully meet the needs of the hotel, and no new parking spaces will be built on the surface of the plot. Access to the hotel will be exclusively on the existing road from the east, or rear, and will not affect the Lungo mare belt. The planned value of the project is over 500 million kuna + VAT, and the city will collect a utility contribution of approximately 10 million kuna, a water contribution of 2 million kuna, and 1.2 million kuna in utility fees per year.

“In creating this conceptual solution, we were guided by the historical context of the location, as well as its natural environment, forest, coast, and stone. The requirement of modern architecture is to be maximally connected and integrated with the natural landscape and to respect the environment, and this was our modus operandi on this as well as on other projects. From something that was a huge hole and a completely inaccessible space created by stone exploitation, in such a beautiful and emotionally valuable location for the people of Pula, we tried to create a project that is merged with the context and volume, values the environment and leaves the park forest accessible to the public. and so far. I’m thanking the clients for their trust and for showing an extremely high level of understanding and acceptance of our architectural expression ”
Silvije Novak from 3LHD.
The total area of the plot on which the hotel and hotel facilities will be located is 27,329 m2, while the area of the plot for the construction of the hotel is half of the total area, ie 13,189 m2, and the construction area itself is 6964 m2. Hotel Valkane will occupy only 2.38% of the total coverage of the UPU Lungo mare, and for comparison, it will be three times less than the amount of material exploited from the old quarry (270,000 m3). It is important to mention that the outer edge of the hotel is 160 meters from the sea and that the project does not provide for any intervention in the coastal zone.
“We believe that after this presentation it is clear that the investor does not intend to build an isolated resort, concrete the coast, touch the promenade that is maritime and managed by the city or build elevators to the beach as previously heard in public space. None of these claims are true. The goal is to combine private investment with the improvement of public space as much as possible, and accordingly, a four-meter-high fence will be removed from private tennis courts and a park accessible to citizens will be opened within the hotel. What we also want to mention is that the realization of the project requires the planting of 150-200 new trees, which will further enrich the entire space. We are very pleased with the conceptual solution because we believe that it respects the environment and combines the requirements of this beautiful area and hotel and we are proud to continue with new large investments in Pula, after the Max City center which was successfully completed on time. I hope that we will soon start the realization of the project for the benefit of all”
the project manager Zoran Kostić on behalf of the investor, the company Hotel Valkane.
The day before, a presentation of the project was held to representatives of the city administration and councilors of the City Council, and according to investors, the visuals of the new hotel will soon be available on the site next to tennis courts so that all interested citizens can see them live.
With this hotel, Pula will significantly gain in the offer and quality of accommodation, which is very important when it is known that it is a city that realizes only 7 percent of all overnight stays in Istria and has only 190,000 overnight stays in hotels, four times less than apartments. Equally important, the hotel will have 250 employees all year round.
You can read additional information at Hotel Valkane Portfolio
Predstavljen projekt Hotela od 5* na Valkanama
Lungo mare ostaje netaknut i bez novih vozila, nema lifta do hotela, a planira se sadnja 150 – 200 novih stabala
U prostoru pulskog Cinestara u sklopu centra Max City održana je prezentacija idejnog rješenja budućeg hotela Valkane. Idejno rješenje izradio je ugledni arhitektonski studio 3LHD, koji u svom portfelju, među brojnim projektima kao što su prošlog tjedna otvoreni Kampus Infobipa u Zagrebu i Rimac kampus u Svetoj Nedelji čija izgradnja je u tijeku, ima i niz hotela najviše kategorije od kojih su mnogi, poput Grand Park Hotela u Rovinju uspješno realizirani upravo u Istri. Projekt hotela Valkane 3LHD-ov autorski tim, uz prisustvo predstavnika investitora, prezentirao je ovom prigodom medijima te turističkim, javnim, gospodarskim i drugim dionicima kojima je ova investicija od interesa i značaja.
Hotel Valkane bit će prvi visokokategornik na širem pulskom području
Hotel Valkane bit će prvi visokokategornik na širem pulskom području. Nalazit će se unutar prostora bivšeg kamenoloma te će se njegovom izgradnjom sanirati prostor koji stoji zapušten od 1965. godine. U idejnom rješenju planirane su maksimalno dvije podzemne te maksimalno sedam nadzemnih etaža s ukupno 180 soba. Uključuje i nova 183 podzemna parkirna mjesta koja će u potpunosti zadovoljiti potrebe hotela, a niti jedno novo parkirno mjesto neće biti građeno na samoj površini parcele. Prilaz hotelu bit će isključivo po postojećoj cesti s istočne, odnosno stražnje, strane te neće prometno utjecati na pojas Lungo marea. Planirana vrijednost projekta je preko 500 milijuna kuna + PDV, a grad će naplatiti komunalni doprinos od otprilike 10 milijuna kuna, vodni doprinos od 2 milijuna kuna te će plaćati 1,2 milijuna kuna komunalne naknade godišnje.

„Pri izradi ovog idejnog rješenja vodili smo se jednako povijesnim kontekstom lokacije, kao i njenim prirodnim okruženjem, šumom, obalom te kamenom. Zahtjev suvremene arhitekture je da bude maksimalno povezana i uklopljena s prirodnim krajolikom i da poštuje okruženje, a to je bio i naš modus operandi na ovom, kao i na drugim projektima. Od nečega što je bila ogromna rupa i potpuno nedostupan prostor nastao eksploatacijom kamena, na ovako lijepoj i Puležanima emotivno vrijednoj lokaciji, nastojali smo osmisliti projekt koji je volumenom i oblikovanjem stopljen s kontekstom, koji vrednuje okoliš te ostavlja park šumu dostupnom javnosti kao što je bila i do sada. Hvala naručiteljima na povjerenju i što su pokazali iznimno visoku razinu razumijevanja i prihvaćanja našeg arhitektonskog izričaja“
istaknuo je Silvije Novak iz 3LHD-a.
Ukupna površina parcele na kojoj će biti hotel i hotelski sadržaji iznosi 27.329 m2, dok je površina parcele za izgradnju hotela polovica ukupne površine, odnosno 13.189 m2, a sama površina izgradnje je 6964 m2. Hotel Valkane zauzimat će tek 2,38% od cjelokupnog obuhvata UPU-a Lungo mare, a usporedbe radi, bit će tri puta manjeg obujma od količine materijala koja je eksploatirana iz starog kamenoloma (270.000 m3). Važno za spomenuti svakako je i to da je vanjski rub hotela 160 metara od mora te da projekt ne predviđa nikakve intervencije u obalni pojas.
„Vjerujemo da je nakon ove prezentacije jasno da investitor nema namjeru graditi izolirani resort, betonirati obalu, dirati u šetnicu koja je pomorsko dobro i pod upravljanjem je grada ili graditi liftove do plaže kao što se ranije moglo čuti u javnom prostoru. Nijedna od tih tvrdnji nije istinita. Cilj je koliko god je moguće spojiti privatnu investiciju s oplemenjivanjem javnog prostora pa će se sukladno tome skinuti četiri metra visoka ograda s privatnih teniskih terena te u sklopu hotela otvoriti i park dostupan građanima. Ono što još želimo napomenuti je da je za realizaciju projekta potrebna sadnja novih 150 – 200 stabala što će dodatno oplemeniti cijeli prostor. Jako smo zadovoljni idejnim rješenjem jer vjerujemo da maksimalno poštuje okruženje, kvalitetno spaja zahtjeve ovog predivnog predjela i hotela i ponosni smo što nastavljamo s novim velikim investicijama u Puli, nakon centra Max City koji je uspješno i na vrijeme završen i radi. Nadam se da ćemo uskoro krenuti u realizaciju projekta na korist svih“
rekao je voditelj projekta Zoran Kostić u ime investitora, tvrtke Hotel Valkane.
Dan ranije je održano predstavljanje projekta predstavnicima gradske uprave i vijećnicima Gradskog vijeća, a prema najavi investitora vizuali novog hotela bit će uskoro dostupni i na samoj lokaciji uz teniske terene kako bi ih mogli uživo vidjeti svi zainteresirani građani.
Ovim hotelom Pula će značajno dobiti na ponudi i kvaliteti smještaja što je jako važno kada se zna da je to grad koji ostvaruje tek 7 posto od svih noćenja na razini Istarske županije i koji ima tek 190.000 noćenja u hotelima, četiri puta manje nego u apartmanima. Jednako važno, u hotelu će cjelogodišnje zaposlenje pronaći 250 djelatnika.
Dodatne informacije možete pročitati na: Hotel Valkane Portfolio